Announcing: Monstrous Species for 2024 DnD 5e Coming This Year

In January of 2018 I published Monstrous Races on DMsGuild, giving players everywhere rules to play every monster in the 2014 Monster Manual. It was a runaway success, hitting Adamantine alongside early best-selling titles including the Bloodhunter and Keith Baker’s Eberron supplements.

Roughly 7 years later, a new Monster Manual is on the way, and the landscape for character creation has changed significantly.

Monstrous Species is coming.

As with Monstrous Races, I intend to provide character options to play every creature in the Monster Manual. I don’t have the book yet, but I’m already hard at work on feats, backgrounds, spells, items, species creation rules, and species traits for the handful of creatures we’ve seen in the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Monstrous Species is going to be even bigger and even better than Monstrous Races was, which is a little insane because Monstrous Races was 301 pages.

I’ll be sharing previews RPGBOT.Newsletter and on Patreon.

I don’t have a planned release date, unfortunately, but I’ll share one when I do.

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