Published in 2024 by Kobold Press, Tales of the Valiant is a successor to the popular 2014 DnD 5e rules seeking to realize the promise of an open version of DnD which supports the vibrant community of 3rd-party creators while also updating the 5e rules to address long-standing pain points without breaking backwards-compatibility.
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DnD 5e to Tales of the Valiant Transition Guide
Players already familiar with DnD 5e will find some differences between the 2014 rules and Tales of the Valiant. We’ve compiled a thorough list of every change that we’ve found both to highlight the improvements made to the rules and to ease players into the new system.
Character Optimization Guides
Deep analysis of ToV’s character options and detailed advice on how to build effective characters.
You character’s Lineage represents their physical ancestry and provides anatomical traits like special senses, different movement types, and other benefits related to your character’s anatomy. Ancestries include fantasy staples like elves and dwarves as well as exciting options like gearforged and kobolds.
Your character’s Heritage represents the environment in which they were raised and provides benefits related to that environment and your upbringing. This often includes proficiencies, but can also include damage resistances, innate spellcasting, and other unique traits.
Classes and Subclasses
Your character’s Class represents their training and special abilities which distinguish them from other people. Classes include iconic fantasy options like clerics, fighters, rogues, and wizards, as well as options like the Druid, the Mechanist, and the Ranger, providing a long list of options to create unique and exciting characters.
Talents offer powerful ways to customize your character, adding new options on top of those provide by your class. Talents can diversify your character’s capabilities or enhance existing ones.
Spells are a powerful tool to create magic effects of all sorts. Classes focused on spellcasting, such as the Cleric and the Wizard, are defined by what spells they choose to cast.
Supporting Articles
Deeper understanding of the mechanics of Tales of the Valiant can do a lot to make you a more effective player.