Published as a rework of the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition ruleset in 2003, DnD 3.5 made numerous small changes that addressed complaints about issues in the 3rd edition rules. Subsystems were simplified, class design was improved, and the game was overall better. While a few rules supplements had been published for 3.0, and 3.5 was backwards-compatible with 3.0 content, the vast majority of 3.0 content was eventually republished in new source books.
DnD 3.5 was popular for its abundance of content and deep customizability of characters. My journey in TTRPGs started with DnD 3.0, then quickly moved to 3.5, and I consider my experience with the game formative. I learned to optimize characters by digging through a mountain of DnD 3.5 source books, and that experience informs much of what we do at RPGBOT.
DnD 3.5 was one of WotC’s most popular rulesets until 5th edition came along and supplanted it. These days most people have moved on to Pathfinder or 5e, but this content will stick around for all of you holdouts out there.
Unfortunately, our coverage for DnD 3.5 is limited. Much of what we have written was done in a frantic rush when TTRPG forums started shuttering several years ago. Before that, a great deal of 3.5 optimization content existed on those forums, and is now lost.
Book Abbreviations Guide
Alphabetized list of the abbreviations used by the DnD community to discuss original source books. Includes links to the source materials on DMs Guild.
How to play DnD 3.5
New to DnD 3.5? Having trouble with the rules? Click here to find a quick and easy guide to starting your DnD 3.5 adventure.
Character Optimization
A comprehensive guide to character optimization including feedback, guidance, and example builds.
Player Resources
General resources for players looking to play better or to get more out of their games.
Dungeon Master Resources
Support for Dungeon Masters hoping to improve their games and some homebrew rules and mechanics which give you some extra options at the table.
Free online tools to improve your game.