Category: Pathfinder 2e
The 2nd edition of Paizo’s popular Pathfinder ruleset, Pathfinder 2e builds upon PF1’s famously rich character options and supports them with a mechanically-robust rules system.
Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you. Space Pilot 3000 – Futurama …
Introduction Surki are bug-like humanoids that feed on magic and experience continuous metamorphosis and evolution as they grow. For players, this manifests in a variety of interesting feat options …
Introduction Merfolk an iconic fantasy creature, often depicted interacting with sailors and ships. Pathfinder leans into that mythology, offering options that can make merfolk both helpful to and dangerous …
Introduction Minotaurs are iconic mythological creatures dating back to Greek mythology. They look like humanoid bulls, and are frequently associated with mazes or labyrinths. While they are evil monsters …
Frequently the first choice you make while creating your character, Ancestries and Heritages do a great deal to define your character moth narratively and mechanically. You choices will give …