This is a repository of general questions about RPGBOT as a site and as a service. If you have any questions which aren’t answered by this page, please email us and I’ll do my best to help.

Table of Contents

Can I copy your content?

We do not give other people permission to reproduce our content in other places. We work really hard to produce stuff that people enjoy reading, and traffic to this site is what keeps the lights on.

That said, our DnD 5e content falls under Wizards of the Coast’s Fan Content Policy. As such, you are free to “view, access, share, and use without paying me anything, obtaining my approval, or giving me credit.” If you choose to do so, we ask that you please at least include a link back to the original article.

Our Pathfinder contact falls under Paizo’s Fan Content Policy, which similarly prevents us from paywalling our content (not that we would want to, anyway).

Can I look at or copy the code for your online tools?

“Yes”. Javascript is transmitted as plain text to your browser, so there’s nothing we can do to stop you. If you wanted to copy large portions of my code, we couldn’t stop you. RPGBOT isn’t published under an open-source license, so we politely ask that you at least ask for permission before you copy anything. I’m almost always happy to share, but if our code starts making someone money on someone else’s website without our permission, we might be grumpy about it.

Again: traffic to the sight keeps this whole operation running.

At some point in the future, we might explore making some of our code open source. However, we’re not prepared to take that step currently.

Can I send you money/gifts?

If you feel compelled to support the site monetarily, we encourage you to support us on Patreon.

We don’t typically accept other gifts from strangers on the internet. If you feel truly compelled to do something nice for us, sending us an email telling us that you like the site is incredibly meaningful. We read every email which we receive from readers (and Tyler tries to respond to all of them).

Do you make money through this website?

Yes. As of March 2019, we began running ads on the site. We earn money from those ads, from affiliate links, and from Patreon.

Does RPGBOT use AI-generated content?

Absolutely not.

RPGBOT does not use AI-generated content, and does not work with creators who do. We value the work of the people who make this hobby what it is.

We’re sorry if you feel like your rights have been violated in any way. All of the content on this site was created because we enjoy your product(s) and we want other people to enjoy them as much as we do (and ideally buy more of them so that you can continue making them). If you feel like we have done something wrong, please email us so we can discuss what we can do to make things right.

How do I send you comments/complaints/suggestions?

Please email us. We love feedback!

In a few places throughout the website, you may encounter affiliate links. We try to be very clear that these links are affiliate links so that you know that when you click on them, you’re potentially earning money for me. The following disclaimers and information are provided here in order to comply with the FTC’s rules for Affiliate and Network Marketing, as well as specific affiliate program requirements.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

RPGBOT earns a 5% comission on all sales through a DMsGuild or DriveThruRPG affiliate link, and on any sales you make through OneBookShelf sites for the 30 days after clicking the link.

This 5% is taken from DM’s Guild’s 50% of the purchase price, so if we are the author of the product, we will receive a total of 55% of the sale price. If we are not the author, the author of the product still receives their full 50% of the purchase price.

I use these links to generate revenue. The content on this site is provided for free, and the links are primarily used to help you find products which we dicuss in our articles such as D&D 3.5 sourcebooks which are out of print or to provide links to our own products on DM’s Guild. we intend to keep these links as unobtrusive as possible so that they do not distract from the content of the site.

The basic idea of sponsored links is that someone asks us to advertise a specific product or service on RPGBOT, and in exchange for doing so we usually get some quantity of money.

I am very picky about who we choose to do business with. We research everyone we work with directly. We don’t work with bad people, and we won’t advertise products which we wouldn’t use ourselves.

If you have questions about sponsored links (maybe you want to advertise on the site or maybe you have an issue with something I’m advertising, please email me.

Who are you?

My name is Tyler Kamstra. I’m a software developer from Seattle. We like tabletop roleplaying games and writing code. We like other stuff, too, but none of those things have to do with this website.

Why is there so little content for my favorite system?

It’s possible that we just recently started writing for that system, or it’s possible that we just don’t have all that much to say for that system. If you really want us to write something specific, email us and I’ll try to find the time.

Will you write stuff for my favorite system?

Maybe. We mostly write stuff for systems which we am currently playing (I think you can guess how much DnD and Pathfinder we play) because we are actively using what we write. As we gradually run out of ideas for a specific system, we may switch to new systems and begin writing for them.

If you have a specific system for which you would like us to write, email us and we’ll consider it. We can’t cover every system out there, but, if there is enough interest in something, we may be convinced to look into it.

Will you review my homebrew?

It’s extremely flattering that you value our opinions enough to ask us to read something that you created, and we sincerely would like to read it, but unfortunately we don’t have the capacity to do that right now. We get to asked to review homebrew on a nearly daily basis, and, if we were to start, we would need to almost entirely stop writing. It’s extremely flattering that you value our opinions enough to ask us to read something that you created.