TOV: THE MECHANIST (Levels 1 – 4) – Augmenting Your Arsenal: A Build Companion – RPGBOT.Podcast S4E59

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Show Notes

Step into the world of Tales of the Valiant with us as we embark on a two-part exploration of the fascinating and unique Mechanist class. In this episode of the RPGBOT.Podcast, we delve into the mechanics and features of this class, discussing its differences from the Artificer, its limited subclass options, and its powerful abilities such as Eyes of the Maker and Shard of Creation. Join us as we break down the augment system, its various effects and limitations, and the exciting Weapon Options feature. And stay tuned as we share our expert insights on building the Metalurgist and Spellrite subclasses, including tips and tricks for level 4 improvements and talents. It’s time to roll for initiative and discover the wonders of the Mechanist!

In this two-part episode of the RPGBOT.Podcast, we begin the build of the Mechanist class from Tales of the Valiant. The team explores the differences between the Mechanist and the Artificer, noting that the Mechanist focuses more on building and enhancing items rather than spellcasting. The team also discusses the limited number of subclasses available for the Mechanist and the potential challenges of adapting Artificer subclasses to the Mechanist. We provide insights into ability scores, lineage, and heritage choices for the class; highlighting the Eyes of the Maker feature, which allows the Mechanist to identify magic items, and the Shard of Creation feature, which grants the Mechanist a ball of loose plasma.

We explore the Mechanist’s ability to inspire themselves and the scaling of their features with level. We’ll move on to the augments, which are similar to infusions in the 5th edition artificer class; and highlight the adhesive, collapsible, detecting, empowered, elusive, and loading augments and their effects. We break down the limitations and scaling of the augments, and discuss the Augments feature of the Tales of the Valiant Mechanist class.

Finally, we go through each augment and discuss its effects and potential uses and talk about the Efficient Action feature, which allows the use of augments as a bonus action, and the Weapon Options feature, which provides special attacks depending on the type of weapon. Tyler and Ash each will break down builds for the two subclasses of the Mechanist class, the Metalurgist and the Spellrite, briefly mentioning the level 4 improvements and talents.

Materials Referenced in This Episode

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Tyler Kamstra

Ash Ely

Randall James

Producer Dan

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