Following the recent user survey, we set out to adjust our Patreon tiers to provide more things that our supporters want at a price point that helps support our work in a way that I can handle, and that lets you select the rewards that you want.
First, we’re renaming tiers. Rather than the increasingly powerful Beholderkin varieties, the tiers are now named after divination spells, which reflect observing and interacting with things in more powerful ways. I think it’s clever, but my sense of humor is also notoriously dumb.
Second, we’re adding a new $3 tier which provides access to an ad-free view of the site. Ad-free access will be available via Patreon announcement emails and via an Announcements channel in Discord for those supporters with access. Ad-free site access will also be available at our $5, $7, and $10 tiers.
Finally, we’re going to start live-streaming podcast recordings to a subset of the Patreon audience. We’re going to start with the $7 and $10 tiers while we work out the basics, then open it up to the $5 tier in the very near future.