Rogues are the quintessential scoundrel character: cunning, capable, and effective in a variety of situations. Sneak Attack allows them to do a huge pile of damage in a single attack, and their pile of skills allows them to easily handle locks, traps, guards, and many other challenges. While a party can function just fine without a Rogue, it’s hard to compete with the sheer number of important skill and tool proficiencies offered by the Rogue. In a party they serve as some combination of Face, Scout, and Striker.
Rogues typically split into melee or ranged builds, though the universal efficacy of Dexterity makes it easy for many rogues to switch between the two. Melee Rogues frequently go for two-weapon fighting because it provides a second chance to score Sneak Attack, and hit-and-run tactics enabled by Cunning Action are great way to get into melee to attack before retreating out of reach.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Disclaimer
- Changes from 5e
- Rogue Class Features
- Rogue Ability Scores
- Rogue Lineages
- Rogue Heritages
- Rogue Backgrounds
- Rogue Skills
- Rogue Talents
- Rogue Weapons
- Rogue Armor
- Rogue Multiclassing
- Rogue Magic Items
- Rogue Example Build – Elaizon Hailsigh, Valiant Six Enforcer Rogue
RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance.
- : Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. Nearly never useful.
- : OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances. Useful sometimes.
- : Good options. Useful often.
- : Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Useful very frequently.
We will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, in handbooks for official content because we can’t assume that your game will allow 3rd-party content or homebrew. We also won’t cover Unearthed Arcana content because it’s not finalized, and we can’t guarantee that it will be available to you in your games.
The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. Keep in mind that the state of the meta periodically changes as new source materials are released, and the article will be updated accordingly as time allows.
Changes from 5e
- Weapon proficiencies updated to include simple weapons and all martial weapons with the Finesse property rather than a handful of specific martial weapons. This removes longswords and hand crossbows, but adds scimitars and whips.
- Evasion: Moved from level 7 to level 6
- Reliable Talent: Moved from level 11 to level 9
- The Rogue’s 10th-level ASI has been replaced by Heroic Boon. You can choose Jack of All Trades to get an additional Talent, but you won’t be able to improve your ability scores.
- Heroic Boon: Choose from Evasion but for all saves or the ability to choose Talents from any list plus an additional Talent.
- Precise Critical: New. You score criticals hits on a 19 or 20 with the same weapons which can deal Sneak Attack, plus you add an additional weapon damage die on crit. At level 17 you add another extra weapon damage die on crit.
- Keensense. Replaces Blindsense, but it’s only because ToV renames Blindsense to Keensense.
- Slippery Mind: Gone.
- Epic Boon: Stroke of Luck. Identical to the 2014 Stroke of Luck feature.
Rogue Class Features
: 1d8 hit points is dangerous if you go into melee alone, so be sure to have a nice tanky ally nearby and a healer waiting in the wings.
: DEX saves will protect you from things like fireballs, and Intelligence saves also exist I suppose. Evasion further improves your Dexterity saves.
: Rogues get all of the weapons they need to get by, plus thieves’ tools, and a fantastic four skills.
: Rogues are truly the master of skills. Pick skills which fit the theme and style of your campaign and your character well.1:
: Sneak Attack is the source of most of the Rogue’s damage, and should define your combat tactics. You can only use it once per turn, which is disappointing for two-weapon fighting builds, but once per turn is plenty. Also note that it’s per turn, not per round, so you can potentially use your reaction to Sneak Attack a second time in a round.1:
: Really only matters for flavor.2:
: This is a fantastic option for bringing your Sneak Attack into play. Archers can use Hide to stay hidden between attacks, and melee Rogues can use Dash and Disengage to move around the battlefield safely and quickly.Subclass: Rogue subclasses are briefly summarized below.
: If you only draw a handful of attacks this can prevent a huge amount of damage.6:
: Between this and uncanny dodge you are very durable.9:
: This is especially nice for your Expertise skills, and it’s great motivation to pick up the Skilled feat.10: Heroic Boon:
- : Consistent, reliable protection.
- : Access to other Talent lists can be very impactful, but be sure that you’re going to use this enough to justify it.
: With Advantage you’ll crit 19% of the time, and critting with Sneak Attack deals a huge amount of damage. However, with only one attack, you’re still not going to crit especially often.14:
: Locating invisible creatures can be very hard, and even if you can’t hit them easily it goes a long way to know where they are standing.18:
: Between this, Uncanny Dodge, and Evasion you are very difficult to kill.20: Epic Boon:
- : Consistently useful.
Rogue Ability Scores
Rogues live on Dexterity, but whether you can afford to buy an 18 depends on what else you want to be good at. The difference between a 17 and an 18 saves you a lot of points which you can invest in other ability to diversify your capabilities outside of combat, but in a sufficiently large party (or at least a very well balanced one) you may not need that.
: Typically your dump stat. Nothing that a typical Rogue does uses Strength. However, you’re not forced to use DEX to make Sneak Attacks so long as you use a suitable weapon, so STR-based rogues are technically possible. It’s usually a bad idea, but it is absolutely possible.
: Rogues run on Dexterity. They add to you skills, your tools, your attacks, your damage, your AC, and your best save.
: Hit points are always important, especially for melee Rogues.
: Rogues only need INT for Investigation.
: Helpful for Insight, and Perception, and saves.
: Rogues can make a good Face, and you can’t be a Face without Charisma.
Point Buy | Standard Array | |
STR | 8 | 8 |
DEX | 18 | 16 |
CON | 14 | 14 |
INT | 8 | 10 |
WIS | 13 | 14 |
CHA | 12 | 13 |
Rogue Lineages
Darkvision is very helpful, but you can get it from spells and magic items if necessary. Additional skills and additional movement types are both helpful, too.
Beastkin (PG): An extra skill (take Perception), plus either a movement type or 13+DEX modifier AC.
Dwarf (PG): Darkvision and resistance to poison. A great choice for melee builds.
Elf (PG): Heightened Senses is good, but might not be enough.
Eonic Human (PG): +PB to initiative, +PB to AC, but you won’t want to wear armor. Your base PB of +2 already matches Studded Leather, so it’s really not a problem.
Gnoll (PG): Sprinter doesn’t work with Cunning Action, but at least you get Darkvision.
Human (PG): An easy go-to choice on any character.
Smallfolk (PG): Small Stature is fantastic for the Rogue, allowing you to hide behind your allies in combat. Gnomish gets you Minor Illusion, which is a fantastic tool for sneaky characters.
Rogue Heritages
Heritages typically provide a skill proficiency, plus some other unique benefits.
Grove (Blog): A climb speed and Advantage on checks to hide in some natural environments. If you’re adventuring in the wilderness, this is fantastic.
Slayer (CRB): Intimidation and a bonus on checks to detect hidden creatures. An easy choice for most rogues.
Supplicant (PG): Scurry is somewhat redundant with Cunning Action, but if you only need to move a few feet it combines the benefits of Dash and Disengage.
Rogue Backgrounds
Additional languages are helpful, and you can select your class skills to get whatever your Background doesn’t provide.
Criminal (CRB): The obvious choice for the Rogue. Any of the Talent options work.
Rogue Skills
- (Dex): Very situational.
- (Str): Rogues don’t really do anything that requires Athletics. Thieves might want it for climbing, but even that is very infrequent.
- (Cha): Important for a Face.
- (Wis): Important for a Face.
- (Cha): Important for a Face.
- (Int): Very helpful, but not as important as Perception.
- (Wis): Perception is by far the most important skill in the game, and it’s important that several characters in the party have it.
- (Cha): Performance is for Bards.
- (Cha): Essential for a Face.
- (Dex): Sleight of Hand is very thematic for many Rogues, but it’s not very useful.
- (Dex): A Rogue without Stealth is a very strange Rogue.
Rogue Talents
The Rogue has access to Technical Talents.
Aware (CRB): A floor on your initiative rolls combined with high Dexterity means that you’ll nearly always go early in the initiative order.
Dungeoneer (CRB): In a dungeon-heavy game, this is a stellar Talent. Outside of dungeons, the final bullet can still be very effective, provided hat your entire party is close enough to you to get the free Stealth roll. Otherwise, one person standing in the open will prevent enemies from being Surprised.
CRB): Using Noxious Apothecary on Basic Poison makes it a modest, but inexpensive damage boost, and you might get lucky and impose the Poisoned condition. You’ll likely only use one dose per encounter unless you’re a Thief with Fast Hands, but it’s still an easy way to boost your effectiveness.
(Polyglot (CRB): Useful in a game that’s heavy on social interactions. The Advantage on some Charisma checks is nice, but not useful consistently enough to justify a Talent by itself.
Quick (CRB): Cunning Action triggers the vertical movement, which is nice, but you can usually switch to a ranged weapon with little difficulty. The speed boost is also nice, but Cunning Action usually gives you plenty of movement.
Scrutinous (CRB): +5 to two passive skills and a guaranteed way to pry plot information out of your GM. Very helpful on characters like the Rogue who typically serve as the party’s Scout.
Touch of Luck (PG): Good on any character, but rogues frequently make their attacks with Advantage, so you’re not going to miss often, which would make this Talent feel underwhelming.
Trade Skills (CRB): You already get Expertise in up to 4 skills, but 1 more certainly doesn’t hurt.
Magic and Martial Talents
1st-level talents from the other lists may be available from your Lineage, your Heritage, your Background, or your Subclass. Keep in mind that these Talents may not be better for your build than the Talents which you can access normally.
Artillerist (PG): If you can manage 13 STR, this can be huge for ranged builds. Hiding to get Advantage means that you’ll nearly never miss, and you’ll crit roughly 14% of the time. Add Precise Critical and that shoots up to 27%, just over 1 in 4 attacks. At high levels, that could mean a significant DPR increase.
Combat Conditioning (PG): Extra hit points are always helpful, especially for melee builds.
Covert (CRB): Excellent for the rogue. Easier options for hiding make it much easier to operate outside of combat and make Cunning Action much easier to use without convenient cover. The final bullet even allows you to remain hidden after attacking at range, removing the need to move and use Cunning Action to hide again. The check is made at Disadvantage, but Expertise can make up the difference.
Furious Charge (CRB): This works for melee rogues, especially when combined with Cunning Action.
Mental Fortitude (CRB): Extremely helpful against problematic mental effects.
Opportunist (CRB): Excellent if you have an ally who likes to knock enemies prone, but without an easy way to do that yourself without sacrificing Sneak Attack, it may be hard to justify. You could use the Trip Weapon Option on a whip to knock enemies prone, but that requires you to hit with an attack, then it requires the target to fail a save. That’s two failure points before you might get an Opportunity Attack.
Physical Fortitude (CRB): A huge help on your two weak physical saves.
Vanguard (CRB): Attacking outside of your own turn allows you to Sneak Attack a second time in the same round, potentially doubling your damage output. Grab a whip to extend your reach and capitalize on the additional Opportunity Attacks.
Weapon Discipline (CRB): Most rogues will favor a single type of weapon, making this an easy addition to any build. It’s not as crucial for the Rogue as it is for other martial characters who make multiple attacks, but the +1 to hit is fantastic, and the bonus damage die on crit is nice once you get Precision Critical at level 13.
Rogue Weapons
The Rogue is proficient in simple weapons and martial weapons with the Finesse property. This means that you’re largely limited to simple weapons at range, but you can use rapiers and shortswords for melee.
- CRB): The Rogue’s best ranged weapon option. Big damage die, good range, and you don’t care about the Loading property because the Rogue doesn’t get Multiattack. Upgrading to a heavy crossbow would be nice if you multiclass, but it’s not a huge difference. (
- CRB): Transition between fighting in melee or at range with ease while also enabling two-weapon fighting if you miss on your first attack. A second attack can increase your DPR (damage per round) by nearly 50% by giving you a second chance to deliver a Sneak Attack. (
- CRB): Your biggest melee weapon damage die, but you can’t use it for two-weapon fighting, which is a huge benefit when fighting in melee. Expect to use Cunning Action to Disengage much more consistently. (
- CRB): Very slightly less damage than the Light Crossbow, but otherwise equivalent. (
- CRB): A bigger damage die than the Dagger, but you give up the ability to fight at range without changing weapons. A decent compromise is one shortsword and one dagger. (
- CRB): Reach and two excellent Weapon Options. Extended reach means that you can rush in, attack, then Cunning Action (Dash) to move away, ensuring that you remain out of enemies’ reach. (
Rogue Armor
The Rogue is proficient in light armor.
- CRB): Your best armor option. Buy a suit early and never take it off. (
Rogue Multiclassing
This section briefly details some obvious and enticing multiclass options, but doesn’t fully explore the broad range of multiclassing combinations. For more on multiclassing, see our Practical Guide to Multiclassing.
You need to make reckless attacks using Strength rather than Dexterity, which is a hard way to build a rogue most of the time. At level 18 Elusive negates the downside of Reckless Attack, but building a character around one trick which won’t work until level 20 almost never pays off since so few campaigns reach high levels.
: Reckless Attack is very
tempting because it provides a guaranteed means of gaining Advantage and
dramatically improves your probability of applying Sneak Attack. However, on
a class as frail as the Rogue it can be dangerous to grant Advantage against
yourself and there are plenty of other ways to gain reliable access to
Advantage and Sneak Attack. You gain proficiency in shields and Unarmored
Defense, which can both potentially raise your AC to help offset Reckless
Attack, but then you need high scores in all of Str/Dex/Don.
- : Martial Action (Aim) and Martial Action (Quick Strike) are both useful, and access to heavy crossbows provides a small damage boost for ranged builds. Last Stand is great, but conflicts with Uncanny Dodge. Action Surge doesn’t let you Sneak Attack a second time, so don’t expect to go more than 1 level.
- : One level for Unarmored Defense is tempting, but Martial Arts can’t deliver Sneak Attack, and you’ll need at least 16 Wisdom to make Unarmored Defense better than studded leather.
Rogue Magic Items
Common Magic Items
- Anklets of Alacrity (CRB): +PB to initiative, no attunement, won’t conflict with other magic items that you care about, and costs as little as a greatsword at just 50gp. Stellar on literally any character.
- PG): Not especially impactful in most games, but you can use it to disarm traps from a safe distance or to pick locks while you remain hidden nearby. (
Uncommon Magic Items
- CRB: Single-use and expensive. Get a +X weapon instead, if you can.
- Boots of Elvenkind (CRB): Get the cloak instead.
- Bracers of Archery (CRB): Tempting, but with only one attack per turn the damage boost isn’t worth Attunement.
- Broom of Flying (CRB): The most accessible and reliable flight option in the game. There’s a reason it costs 16,000 gp compared to 8,000 for Winged Boosts.
- Cloak of Elvenkind (CRB): Advantage on the vast majority of Stealth checks. If you rely on hiding in combat, this is absolutely essential.
- Cloak of Protection (CRB): Great on any character.
- Eyes of the Eagle (CRB): Advantage on the vast majority of Perception checks. Remember that Advantage also raises passive skills by +5.
- Goggles of Minute Seeing (CRB): Great for searching for traps and hidden doors.
- Goggles of Night (CRB): Darkvision without Attunement. Absolutely essential if your don’t get Darkvision from your Lineage.
- Hat of Disguise (CRB): Much easier than using a disguise kit.
- Slippers of Spider Climbing (CRB): Walking up walls and across ceilings makes sneaking around much easier than being on the ground, and these cost much less than a Broom of Flying.
- Stone of Good Luck (CRB): Good on any character.
- CRB: +1 to hit with your attacks improves the likelihood of delivering a Sneak Attack.
Rare Magic Items
- Amulet of Health (CRB): Most rogues will have at most 14 CON. Raising that to 19 is a big boost.
- CRB: +1 AC, no attunement. Nothing fancy, but very effective.
- Cloak of the Bat (CRB): Consistent Advantage on all stealth checks (rather than just some like with the Boots/Cloak of Elvenkind), plus flight in the dark. Excellent for the Rogue.
- Dagger of Venom (CRB): Feels like it should be great for rogues, but it’s absolute garbage.
- Ring of Evasion (CRB): Great for triggering your Evasion feature a few times per day, but with high DEX and proficiency in DEX saves, you should be able to pass those saves reliably without this.
- Ring of Protection (CRB): More expensive than a Cloak of Protection with the same effect, but you can only wear one cloak, so a ring may be easier if you have a cool magic cloak. The two also stack, providing a ton of protection.
- CRB: Mathematically spectacular. It’s difficult to beat the math here.
Very Rare Magic Items
- CRB: +2 AC, no attunement. Nothing fancy, but very effective.
- Manuals of Advantageous Exertion (CRB): Stellar on any character. Absolutely worth dropping all of your gold to get as many as you can find.
- Scimitar of Speed (CRB): A +2 scimitar, and you don’t need a second +2 weapon to match for two-weapon fighting.
- CRB: Mathematically spectacular. It’s difficult to beat the math here.
Legendary Magic Items
- CRB: +3 AC, no attunement. Nothing fancy, but very effective. It feels underwhelming at this rarity, but the math is good.
- CRB: Proficiency Bonuses apply to a lot of things and a +1 bonus goes a long way. Attacks, saves, skills, etc. all benefit. For many characters, a Stone of Good Luck will be a better value, but rogues get more skill proficiencies than other classes, and at high levels you’re proficient in three saves (assuming you didn’t get more from feats or something), so Ioun Stone (Mastery) applies to enough things that I think you can justify it over a Stone of Good Luck.
- Ring of Invisibility (CRB): Absolutely fantastic. You should be inisible almost constantly.
Rogue Example Build – Elaizon Hailsigh, Valiant Six Enforcer Rogue
The Valiant Six are six official characters representing some of the playable classes in Tales of the Valiant. This build starts from the options selected for the official pregen character, and takes the build from 1 to 20.
The official pregen build for Elaizon gives us their LIneage, Heritage, Background, starting Talents, and some of their class choices. However, it doesn’t specify how her Improvements were spent, so we’re left to reverse-engineer her Ability Scores.
Ability Scores
The Valiant Six apparently use the Standard Array rather than point buy. In this case, Elaizon dumps CON, which is among the riskiest build decisions that a character can make.
We don’t typically include ability scores at every Improvement in the table below, but in since this build is based on a level 4 pregen, we’re making an exception.
Level 1 | Level 4 | Level 20 | |
Str | 14 | 14 | |
Dex | 16 | 18 | |
Con | 8 | 8 | |
Int | 13 | 13 | |
Wis | 10 | 10 | |
Cha | 14 | 14 |
Elf. This doesn’t get us much, unfortunately. Heightened Senses is helpful when in poor lighting conditions, but not quite as good as Darkvision. Advantage on Perception checks which rely on hearing and vision is helpful, but our average roll will still be lower than our Passive Perception thanks to the +5 from Scrutinous.
Cloud. Some helpful illusions as innate spells, plus proficiency in Arcana.
Criminal. This gets us two skills which overlap with the Rogue’s class skill options, and we’ll take Scrutinous as our Talent. The bonuses to passive Investigation/Perception will help compensate for low Wisdom and no proficiency in Perception.
Skills and Tools
We’re proficient in Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Improvements and Talents
At level 1 we take Scrutinous.
At level 4 we take +2 DEX.
At level 8 we take +1 DEX and Covert.
At level 12 we take +1 DEX and
At level 16 we take +1 CON and Trade Skills.
At level 19 we take +1 CON and Combat Conditioning.
Level | Talents and Features | Notes and Tactics |
1 | Talent: Scrutinous Expertise – Deception – Stealth Sneak Attack +1d6 | Elaizon’s starting gear doesn’t line up with the Rogue’s starting
equipment options. Most likely he traded items sometime before level
4. For your starting gear, take a rapier, a shortbow and arrows, any pack, leather armor, 2 daggers, and thieves’ tools. Switch to a light crossbow when you can to get the bigger damage die. We don’t have Cunning Action yet, but stay at range as much as possible and rely on allies to set up Sneak Attack for us. This means that you won’t have a lot choice about what enemy your attacking, but that’s usually fine. |
2 | Cunning Action | A central part of the Rogue’s tactics, but absolutely crucial for Elaizon. With only 8 Constitution, we’re made of paper. We really can’t afford to take damage. If we want to live through an encounter, we beed to use Cunning Action to hide at the end of our turn. Start each turn hidden, attack with Advantage, then Bonus Action hide. That’s going to be our go-to combat tactic for our whole career. |
3 | Sneak Attack +2d6 Subclass: Enforcer Ambush Cold-Blooded (1/turn) Expanded Talent List | Ambush gives us Advantage on our first attack in an encounter, which
is fantastic if the encounter started before we could hide. Attack,
then hide as a Bonus Action, and we’re up and running. Cold-Blooded is difficult to use with a crossbow due to the Loading property. Most likely you’ll need to make the additional attack with a different weapon, such as a thrown dagger. The damage won’t be spectacular without Sneak Attack, but you do get to apply your ability modifier. A thrown dagger dealing 1d4+4 is decent damage. You might switch to a shortbow instead of a light crossbow to support Cold-Blooded, but Cold-Blooded won’t trigger often enough to justify how much damage output you’ll lose by doing so. The Enforcer’s access to Martial Talents offers some interesting options. Technical Talents mostly focus on utility, and expanding your options to include more combat-focused options can make you more effective in combat. |
4 | Improvement – DEX 16 -> 18 | Boring, but undeniably effective. |
5 | Uncanny Dodge Sneak Attack +3d6 | Uncanny Dodge is a massively important defense for Elaizon and their
8 CON. It’s great for any rogue, but this is life-or-death for us. Other martial classes get Multiattack at this level, but we continue out steadily scaling damage output thanks to Sneak Attack. |
6 | Evasion Expertise – Any 2 | Evasion is nice, but doesn’t change our tactics. Remember that if
you’re hiding behind cover, you’ll get a cover bonus to your DEX saves
on top of both proficiency and your DEX mod, so DEX saves should be
reliably easy. For expertise, I recommend Insight and Investigation. Of Elaizon’s remaining skill proficiencies, those will be the most consistently useful. |
7 | Brawler Sneak Attack +4d6 | Brawler makes Sneak Attack easier to use in melee, but for Elaizon it’s not going to help us. 8 CON and melee combat do not mix. |
8 | Improvement – DEX 18 -> 19 – Talent: Covert | Absolutely amazing on ranged rogue builds. The ability to hide after making a ranged attack means that you might not give away your position and be forced to move and re-hide, leaving your Bonus Action on that turn free for something else. |
9 | Reliable Talent Sneak Attack +5d6 | Reliable Talent is fantastic. We have a lot of skill proficiencies, so it will see a lot of use. |
10 | Heroic Boon: Escape Artist | We could use Jack of All Trades to get access to every Talent, but we don’t need many more. Escape Artist also provides another way to mitigate damage, which is great since we still have 8 CON. |
11 | Ready to Rumble Sneak Attack +6d6 | High DEX and Advantage on Initiative rolls means that we’re very
likely to act early. Ambush gives us Advantage on our first attack,
then we can Cunning Action (Hide) to get out of sight before enemies
get a chance to attack us. With Reliable Talent and Expertise, our
minimum roll on Stealth checks is 22, putting our Stealth far out of
reach of most creatures’ Perception stats, making us effectively
undetectable. Remember that Cover imposes Disadvantage when you use it to remain hidden after making a ranged attack, but even that isn’t a problem thanks to Reliable Talent. You could roll 2 Natural 1’s and still get a 22. |
12 | Improvement – DEX 19 -> 20 – Talent: Weapon Discipline (Light Crossbow) | Remember that we can now select Martial Talents thanks to The
Enforcer’s Expanded Talent List feature. Weapon Discipline and raising our DEX to 20 gives us another +2 to attack and damage with our crossbow. We also get a bonus damage die on crit, which will go very nicely with Precise Critical. We also reach 17 AC, which is the highest we’ll get without magic. |
13 | Precise Critical (1 Die) Sneak Attack +7d6 | With Advantage and the expanded crit range from Precise Critical, you have a 19% chance to score a critical hit, which is roughly 1 in 5 attacks. It won’t be frequent, but when it happens you’re dropping a huge pile of damage. Your 1d8+6+7d6 (avg. 34) becomes 4d8+6+14d6 (avg. 66), which is a decent pile of damage consider that you can do it every turn for free. |
14 | Keensense | Keensense is great for detecting invisible enemies and for fighting in places where we can’t see, such as in a Fog Cloud. |
15 | Kill Shot Sneak Attack +8d6 | Rerolling Sneak Attack dice provides a consistent boost to our damage output. While a reroll on a single damage die is often negligible, across multiple dice it’s valuable. The average roll of a d6 is 3.5, but if we reroll results of 1, 2, and 3, the average becomes 4.25. Our 8d6 Sneak Attack damage then goes from an average of 28 to 34, which feels nice. It gets even better when we crit and double our damage dice. |
16 | Improvement – CON 8 -> 9 – Talent: Trade Skills – Proficiency: Perception – Expertise: Perception | At this level we finally correct our lack of Perception proficiency by going all the way to Expertise. We also strart addressing that 8 CON. |
17 | Precise Critical (2 Dice) Sneak Attack +9d6 | – |
18 | Elusive | Another helpful defensive option. Hopefully our enemies simply can’t find us, but sometimes our regular tactics don’t work for whatever reason. |
19 | Sneak Attack +10d6 Improvement – CON 9 -> 10 – Talent: Combat Conditioning | We finally have as much CON as an average person. We’ll also take Combat Conditioning, which makes us feel like we have 14 CON instead of 10. Our hit point maximum increases by a total of 57 in a single level, and that’s not considering the base 5 hp from our Rogue level. |
20 | Epic Boon: Stroke of Luck | A nice way to rescue a poor roll once per rest. |