Circle of Symbiosis Druid

DnD 5e – New Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt Circle of Symbiosis Druid Handbook

A year ago today, Evan Mascaro (MonkeyDM) launched a Kickstarter for Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt, which sought to bring a Lovecraft and Soulsborne-inspired twist to 5e. After raising a truly stunning $2.6 million, MonkeyDM has been hard at work, and it shows. Alongside the frequently terrifying art, Steinhardt’s has a lot of really fun design ideas. New race options, new subclasses, an entire new class, trick weapons for you Bloodborne fans, and a whole lot of horror elements.

I dug into the Circle of Symbiosis Druid, which is a really fun take on a front-line melee druid build. It fills a similar niche to Circle of Spores, but the action economy is considerably less strained and it manages durability in a way that’s incredibly satisfying.

Steinhardt’s Circle of Symbiosis Druid Handbook – DnD 5e

I’m still digging into Steinhardt’s. If you’d like to see more optimization content, let me know in he comments below or on socials. I had a ton of fun writing this one, and I would love to do more.


  1. Alister July 19, 2023
  2. Glen B July 31, 2023
  3. Barb August 12, 2023

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