Category: Pathfinder
Now in its second edition, Paizo’s Pathfinder RPG is a widely popular dungeon fantasy RPG.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow for folks here in the US, so I have food on my mind. Mostly turkey, but I’ll take some cooperative waffles if I can them. After …
Treasure Vault introduced alchemical food, but we didn’t see Paizo lean into the mechanic until the Tian Xia Character Guide gave us the new Wandering Chef archetype. I’ve been …
Show Notes Ready to take your Pathfinder 2 campaign from epic to IMMORTAL? Join us on the RPGBOT.Podcast as we dive into War of the Immortals and break down mythic feats, legendary archetypes, …
Articles related to character optimization for Pathfinder 2nd edition. Ancestries and Heritages Sometimes you want to play a specific ancestry. Knowing which options are available for that race can …
Introduction Pathfinder 2e’s Treasure Vault introduced the unique Alchemical Food class of items and the Tian Xia Character Guide added to this with its Wandering Chef Archetype and more …