Clerics are the iconic divine spellcaster, and the uncontested master of healing and support spellcasting. While other classes have many excellent options for restoring hit points, no other class can match the ability to remove problematic status conditions with cleric spells.
But don’t let those strengths fool you. There are no “heal bots” in DnD 5e. While the cleric is a spectacular healer, they also have many of the best divination options, as well as plenty of unique and powerful offensive options, including most of the best options for dealing both necrotic and radiant damage.
Table of Contents
RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance.
- : Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. Nearly never useful.
- : OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances. Useful sometimes.
- : Good options. Useful often.
- : Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Useful very frequently.
We will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, in handbooks for official content because we can’t assume that your game will allow 3rd-party content or homebrew. We also won’t cover Unearthed Arcana content because it’s not finalized, and we can’t guarantee that it will be available to you in your games.
The advice offered below is based on the current State of the 2014 DnD 5e Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. Keep in mind that the state of the meta periodically changes as new source materials are released, and the article will be updated accordingly as time allows.
Cleric Spells
Optional spells are marked below with (Optional) following the spell’s name. These spells are considered optional rules, as described in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Consult your DM before deciding to use these spells.
- PHB): As long as you’re not concentrating on something with a long duration between fights, you should be constantly throwing this on your allies. Your Rogue should have Guidance for every skill check they make while searching, sneaking, handling traps, etc. (
- PHB): Disposable magic light is fantastic, but if you don’t have room for the cantrip you’ll do fine with torches. (
- PHB): Too situational. Short of Rust Monsters and a few oozes, nearly nothing in 5e deals damage to your equipment. If you’re playing Spelljammer this is essential, but otherwise you can skip it. (
- PHB): Considerably more difficult to use than Guidance. Your best bet is to throw this on an ally before going into combat, but if you have that luxury you should be casting a better Concentration spell. (
- PHB): Probably the best source of radiant damage in the game. It’s a reliable way to kill zombies, and since it requires a saving throw rather than an attack you can use it against adjacent enemies without issue. As the damage scales, it will easily outpace your damage with a weapon, so by 11th level there is usually no reason to keep a weapon in your hand. (
- PHB): Tempting, but once you’re got a reasonable number of spell slots, you can just use Healing Word. (
- PHB): Thematically fun, but not especially useful. See my Practical Guide to Prestidigitation and Similar Cantrips for more. (
- XGtE): 60 ft. range, the damage is measured in d12’s, and since it’s necrotic damage almost nothing will resist it. (
- XGtE): A great way to handle crowds of multiple enemies. See my article on Melee Cantrips vs. Extra Attack for a breakdown of the math comparing melee cantrip spells to normal martial attacks. (
1st-Level Spells
- PHB): Effectively the opposite of Bless, but since it allows a saving throw to resist the effects it’s less reliable. I would only use this in encounters where you’re vastly outnumbered, and even then it’s typically better to use area damage or control spell spells to eliminate enemies rather than debuffing them. (
- PHB): At low levels Bless can decide if you win or lose a fight, but even at very high levels adding 1d4 to attack rolls can dramatically improve your party’s damage output. This gets better as your party gains the ability to make more numerous attacks, so if you have fighters, warlocks, or characters who use two-weapon fighting, Crossbow Expert, or Polearm Master, this will get a ton of mileage. If you’re not concentrating on anything else, Bless is a great go-to option in nearly any case. (
- XGtE): This is a weird spell.
The fact that it exists implies that clerics perform burial rites, wedding
ceremonies, and rites of passage magically at a cost of 25gp each.
It certainly feels cool for a cleric to have a dedicated mechanic for performing these functions, but I don’t know why this isn’t just a Religion check or something. It also creates a bizarre economic divide because of the 25gp price tag between people who can and can’t afford to blow that gold on making a religious ceremony literally magic.
Regardless of all of that, the spell provides weird incentives to do things like getting married before a dungeon crawl or a boss fight. As a DM I would discourage players from abusing these options.
( - PHB): Enough effects to be useful in some situations, but it’s a single-target spell so at low levels you can’t afford to spend a spell slot on this. Consider picking this up a few levels into your career. (
- EEPC / XGtE): The ability to magically create water has many uses. Few of them are combat-related, but this neatly solves a major component of any survival scenario. (
- PHB): More healing than Healing Word, but rarely a good option in combat. If you use this in combat, you’ll frequently find that you’re spending spell slots to heal less damage than enemies are dealing by waving their claws about. (
- PHB): Situationally useful, and you can use it to find invisible enemies or detect enemies through thin walls. (
- PHB): Someone needs to have it in every party. Cast it as a ritual if you can. (
- PHB): Very situational, and unless you can also cast Protection From Poison there’s little you can do about it anyway. Fortunately, you can cast this as a ritual. (
- PHB): Great single-target damage for a 1st-level spell, and even though the Advantage only applies for one attack it’s easy to have an ally follow your Guiding Bolt with another spell or with a high-powered attack like a Sneak Attack. (
- PHB): Because death is so gentle in 5e, Healing Word is extremely powerful. You can save it for when your allies drop to 0, get them back on their feet, then wait to heal them again until they get dropped back to 0. Since this is a bonus action, you can still use your action to hit something with a mace or cast a cantrip. (
- PHB): Inflict Wounds is the highest single-target damage of any 1st-level spell (though Magic Missile is still better in some ways). If you can get Advantage to make the attack more reliable, it’s easily one of the best offensive options around at 1st level. The average of 16.5 damage will one-shot most monsters of CR 1/2 and below. Granted, the only thing that Inflict Wounds does is damage, so you may get more out of other spells like Guiding Bolt which provide secondary effects which may lead to more damage in total. (
- PHB): A great defensive option at any level, but Sanctuary will be more effective in melee and Sanctuary doesn’t care about creature type. (
- PHB): Cast this as a ritual and you’ll never need to worry about spoiled food again. One of many reasons that Dungeons and Dragons makes a terrible wilderness survival game. (
- PHB): Potentially forcing
enemies to give up an attack is great, and this doesn’t prevent the target
from contributing via support spells, the Help action, summoned creatures,
pets, etc. Sanctuary also has a Bonus Action casting time, so you can attack
or cast a cantrip in the same turn (likely before casting Sanctuary). It
doesn’t even require Concentration, so for the puny cost of a few 1st-level
slots you could throw this on everyone in your party over the course of
several turns (don’t actually do this; no one will be able to attack).
Since Sanctuary allows the attack to retarget their attack, Sanctuary isn’t as effective against ranged attacks as it is against melee attacks, but that shouldn’t deter you.
( - PHB): +2 AC is a significant boost, and the Bonus Action casting time means that you can easily wait to cast this until you get into combat. The spell lasts 10 minutes and it’s only 1st level, so Shield of Faith remains an excellent buff on any character at any level. However, it requires Concentration, so in many cases Sanctuary will be more effective unless you’re running directly from one encounter to another and can benefit from Shield of Faith’s relatively long duration. (
2nd-Level Spells
- PHB): With an 8-hour duration
and three targets, this is a staple buff that’s worth casting literally
every day. Keep in mind that this actually increases the targets’ hit point
maximum, so temporary hit points can be added, too.
Aid’s casting time allows it to be used in combat, which is unusual but offers an interesting option. With three targets and a 30-foot range, you can cast it to both buff and heal your allies during combat. Targets’ current hit points and hit point maximum both increase, so allies at 0 hit points are healed in addition to having their hit point maximum raised, thereby allowing Aid to serve a similar function to Mass Healing Word. However, since spells don’t stack with themselves, it’s hard to repeat this trick. You’ll need to cast Aid again using higher-level spell slots, which can get expensive quickly, so Mass Healing Word is probably better if Aid is already running and if Mass Healing Word is an option for your party.
( - PHB): This is my absolute favorite divination spell because it allows players to politely ask their DM for hints. Castable as a ritual with a reusable material component, if you have time you can cast this repeatedly to question all sorts of decisions. (
- PHB): Blinding a target can make them much less dangerous, but Constitution saves tend to be high, and the target gets a save every round so you can’t count on this for long and it works best on enemies with low Constitution saves like spellcasters who can usually resort to are effect spells when they can’t see to target their spells. (
- SCoC): A great way to compensate for limited skill proficiencies, Borrowed Knowledge lasts and hour and doesn’t require Concentration, so you can combine it with Enhance Ability to become instantly excellent at any skill. Enhance Ability is more broadly useful because you can cast it on other allies to support them when their best skills come into play, but when there’s a gap in your party’s skillset, you can use this to come to the rescue. (
- PHB): Two situational but
frequently useful effects. First, you can use this to temporarily suppress
effects which charm or frighten your allies. Both effects are common, and
many enemies can apply them to your whole party. Charm effects often include
mind control effects, and suppressing them for a minute on a willing ally
can easily buy you enough time to deal with whatever is trying to mind
control your friends. Fear effects are often area effects, such as a
dragon’s Frightful Presence, so suppressing them for a minute can bring
whichever portions of your party failed their saves back into the fray.
Second, you can use this to make enemies not be hostile toward you and your allies for one minute. That will at least pause most encounters for the spell’s duration, which is enough time to either heal and buff the party or escape. I wouldn’t try to negotiate a truce in one minute, especially since the targets can go right back to hostile the moment that the spell ends. Note that this effect intentionally uses the “Hostile/Indifferent/Friendly” scale referenced in the Social Interaction rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
( - PHB): Having reliable, constant light is really nice. Cast this on a shield, a necklace, a weapon, or maybe a whole bunch of different things to guarantee that you always have adequate light without casting light or lighting a torch. (
- PHB): Fantastic and versatile. Eagle’s Splendor on your party’s Face make social interactions much easier, and Bull’s Strength provides a huge edge while grappling. Enhance your spellcasting ability (or that of an ally) to get Advantage on the ability checks to counter spells and to dispel magic. (
- : Too expensive and too imprecise. Invest in Investigation.
- PHB): Very situational, but
it solves some interesting problems. Normally you can cremate a body to
prevent it from becoming undead, but cremating a body takes an alarmingly
large amount of fuel which you probably don’t have laying about. You can
mutilate the body, but that’s gross and in many campaign settings the gods
view that sort of thing as evil. So if you need to maintain a body until you
can give it a real burial, this is your best bet. Fortunately, you can cast
it as a ritual and you can typically wait until the next day so that you can
prepare this as needed.
Gentle Repose also pauses the timer on effects which raise the dead. While this is specifically called out as working with Raise Dead, it works with anything that raises creatures from the dead. That includes Revivify. So if you keep this prepared, you can haul your allies around until you can cast 3rd-level spells and until you can scrape together enough diamond dust to raise them.
Remember that while spells don’t stack, their durations can overlap so if you cast Gentle Repose early to avoid gaps in spell duration you can keep bodies preserved indefinitely.
( - PHB): On/off button for
humanoids. Things that you’ll obviously think of as humanoids (goblins,
humans, etc.) stop being common threats at low levels, and at high levels
generally the only humanoid threads will be powerful NPCs. Humanoids are a
tiny portion of the monster manual, so this spell is situational by design.
In encounters with multiple foes, you can up-cast Hold Person to paralyze multiple targets, so when AOE damage spells aren’t a good idea for whatever reason this can still handle groups of enemies. Paralysis is a serious status condition, granting Advantage on attacks against the targets and guaranteeing Critical Hits for attacks made within 5 feet of the target. Send anyone with a weapon into melee to finish off the targets before they manage to succeed on a save.
However, remember that targets get an additional save at the end of each round, so you can’t predict how long this will stay in effect. If you up-cast this to affect multiple targets, you may reach a point where so few of them are still paralyzed that maintaining Concentration may not be worthwhile.
( - PHB): Too situational, and too easy to counter. Anyone with any knowledge of magic that’s trying to hide something will wrap it in lead. (
- PHB): Helpful, but most of the affected conditions resolve after a few rounds. (
- PHB): Essentially a Short Rest worth of hit points in 10 minutes. Fine, but not especially important since Hit Dice exist. (
- PHB): Situational, but poison is common across the full CR range, so this is a fantastic defensive option at any level. The 1-hour duration means that you can get a lot of mileage out of a single spell slot even if you cast it ahead of time. (
- PHB): Most spells have Verbal components, so this is a massive problem for spellcasters. Cast this, grapple the enemy spellcaster, and beat them with a mace while they try to squirm away. (
- PHB): A significant improvement to your damage output, Spiritual Weapon is a go-to combat option for clerics. Because the damage can be applied every round, it’s a great option for casting at a higher level, and the scaling keeps the damage relevant at any level. Spiritual Weapon doesn’t even require Concentration, allowing you to easily combine it with other ongoing effects. It does monopolize your Bonus Action, but that’s not a problem for most clerics. (
- PHB): A dangerous, but interesting way to protect an ally. Generally you’ll find preventing them from taking damage with spells like Sanctuary will be more effective. (
- PHB): Situational and much
less reliable than you would hope. Creatures are aware that they’re under
the effect, and they can choose to “be evasive”, which means that they could
give you true but useless answers or simply not answer. Creatures other than
the caster also don’t know who passed or failed the save, so unless they
already trust you other creatures might not believe you when you tell them
that a creature is telling the truth.
If a creature is willing to talk, they can prove that they are saying what they believe to be true, and you can know whether or not they believe it to be true. But if the creature is incorrect, if you’re lying to other creatures (which they might believe that you are), or if any other number of other things go wrong, this spell simply fails to meet its intended purpose.
In short, this helps honest creatures prove to you that they are being honest. Nothing else. If you want to get answers from an unwilling or unhelpful subject, cast Detect Thoughts.
3rd-Level Spells
- PHB): Undead are excellent replacements for living creatures in many ways. An undead guard never gets tired keeping watch. An undead horse never tires of marching. An undead porter won’t complain about their back hurting from hauling your treasure. Sure, desecrating the bodies of the dead is “icky” or “evil” depending on who you ask, but you can’t pay peasants to work 24/7 in highly dangerous conditions far from home, so sometimes you need to compromise ethics in favor of effectiveness. (
- PHB) (Optional): Never use this in combat, but 20d6 healing for a 3rd-level spell is very efficient. Even Healing Spirit can’t match this amount of healing at the same spell level (with the 2020 errata and a +5 spellcasting mod, 6 uses, 2d6 healing when cast at 3rd level, total 12d6 healing). (
- PHB): Thematically, this is a really cool spell. Mechanically, it’s very hard to use. The best way to use this would be when a fight is going poorly so you throw up Beacon of Hope and start casting Mass Cure Wounds or Mass Healing Word to get your party back into the fight. But In those cases you typically just want your party above 0 hit points, and the difference of a few hit points on average won’t matter much. Also, you can’t cast two leveled spells in the same turn anyway, so that ideal scenario is explicitly against the rules. Instead, use the time you would spend casting this to cast literally anything else so you can end the fight faster instead of burning precious resources trying to feed hit points into an insatiable blender. (
- PHB): The effects are versatile enough that you can easily bring this into play in a variety of situations, and the scaling mechanism works well enough that this remains a viable option for higher-level spell slots. Use the third option against big tanky enemies with poor Wisdom, or use the first option against enemies that like to grapple. If you’re ever uncertain, use the third option. Robbing a creature of their turn on a failed saving throw is debilitating, and can take creatures almost completely out of a fight. (
- PHB): The focus is expensive, especially if you want the option to both see and hear, but it’s well worth the price. If you have the time to cast this repeatedly, you can use initial castings to scout a location, then re-cast the spell and place a new sensor somewhere else to continue scouting. The spell’s 1-mile range allows you to cover huge areas at a safe distance. Unless enemies can see the invisible sensor, you can scout totally unnoticed and walk into dungeons, castles, etc. with thorough knowledge of the layout and the inhabitants. Even if they see the sensor, it just looks like a “luminous orb” so they may have no idea what you’re up to. You perceive through the sensor as you perceive normally, so Darkvision is a must, and try to get other effects which improve your senses like See Invisibility, Enhance Ability (Owl’s Wisdom) to improve your Perception checks, or anything else that might make you better at seeing or hearing. (
- PHB): Rations are cheap, but it’s good that you can prepare this if you somehow find yourself somewhere without food for extended periods. This also lets you create 30 gallons of water, which is enough for a nice bath but not enough to fill a 5-foot cube. (
- PHB): A Continual Flame, Light, or even a torch is typically sufficient, but sometimes you need to light up larger areas like dark battlefields or massive caverns. This also dispels magical darkness of 3rd level or lower, which is great if you’re fighting enemies like drow which can produce magical darkness. Tragically, you can’t cast Daylight at a higher level to dispel magical darkness of higher levels. (
- PHB): Essential. Someone in every party should always have this handy. Dispelling spells of a higher level than Dispel Magic requires an ability check, so you can cast Dispel Magic at a higher spell level if you absolutely need to end a spell effect, but you can also use Enhance Ability to boost your spellcasting ability to make the ability check more reliable. (
- AI): A fantastic non-lethal option for handling single targets, but it has some limitations. The target needs to be able to understand you, so you likely need to share a language. The spell requires Concentration, so you don’t want to maintain this during combat if you can avoid it. And of course, you don’t want to try casting this during combat. Still, if you can isolate a single enemy outside of combat you may be able to ply them for information or send them on errands which will save you trouble later. Tragically, the spell only lasts an hour so just as you’re getting really attached to your new best friend the effects end, and the targets knows that you charmed them. You may be able to cast this repeatedly or you may be able to negotiate the situation peacefully even after the spell ends, but many people don’t take kindly to being charmed. (
- PHB): Very situational. (
- PHB): Depending on how your DM handles it, this is either a situationally useful defensive measure or a reality-bending way to break the game from the comfort of your own home. See our Practical Guide to Glyph of Warding. (
- AI): This is a gamble. If targets fail their saves you can draw them into melee range with you and keep them there for up to a minute. You then need to find a way to capitalize on their position. You could walk your full speed away (affected targets can do nothing but move toward you, so they can’t take Reactions to perform an Opportunity Attack), drop Concentration, then hit them with a big AOE. (
- XGtE): Unless you have regeneration or something, this is generally a terrible idea. (
- PHB): With a 1-minute casting time, you can’t use this in combat unless you have time to prepare and your enemies are coming to you. Even then, using this in combat isn’t reliable protection because it doesn’t mitigate the effects of spells and abilities which don’t require attack rolls like breath weapons or fireballs. The best use case is generally to invert the effects and use a spell to summon a creature so that you can bargain with it without risk of the creature escaping. Even then, the 1-hour duration may not be enough to guarantee your safety. If you want similar effects in combat, Protection From Evil and Good will do the trick. (
- PHB): You never want to need this. It heals exactly as much as standard Healing Word at a much higher cost, but the ability to heal multiple targets means that you can bring multiple allies back into the fight and you still have your Action that turn. (
- PHB): Very situational. (
- AI): This makes the Inspiring Leader somewhat obsolete. Inspiring Leader will provide considerably more temporary hit points, but this doesn’t require a feat and takes one tenth the time. (
- PHB): An important, staple defensive option, but it’s single-target and requires Concentration so you can’t afford to keep it running constantly. (
- PHB): Situational, but irreplaceable. Fortunately, you can usually wait a day to prepare this. (
- PHB): The “Cleric Tax”. This spell is just too good to not prepare every day. Raise Dead costs considerably more, and with a full minute to use this after your ally dies, Revivify is extremely easy to use even if you wait to finish the fight before casting it. (
- PHB): Not especially glamorous, but messaging over massive distances has a number of uses. Also, due to the wording of the spell, you can use it on creatures that don’t understand your speech and they’ll still understand your meaning, allowing you to use Sending in place of Tongues if you only need to convey brief messages. (
- PHB): This is a spell of last resort. It is extremely limited, and if the dead creature didn’t like you while it’s alive it’s unlikely to be helpful after you’ve killed it. Your best bet is to use this on an ally with information that you can’t get otherwise. Cast Gentle Repose on the corse to keep it intact so that you can hit it with Speak with Dead again 10 days later. (
- PHB): In an enclosed space, this makes you the center of an extremely dangerous sphere. With a 15-foot radius, a medium character can cover a sphere 35 ft. in diameter, easily filling many rooms, and even in larger area this is still a big area to control. Reducing enemies’ speeds by half further complicates things for them, and if you can create difficult terrain in the area they’re basically out of luck. Even if you do nothing but cast this spell, walk around, and Dodge on your turn you can often dominate encounters. The 10-minute duration is long enough that you could easily carry this through multiple fights, and you still get to use your full turn to do more stuff. (
- TCoE) (Optional): Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardians are both much more effective uses of a spell slot. Since clerics never get Extra Attack, Spiritual Weapon will deal the same amount of extra damage even if you’re attacking every turn. Spiritual Weapon also notably doesn’t require Concentration. And, of course. Spirit Guardians will beat both against multiple foes, especially with a 10-minute duration. (
- PHB): The second this spell becomes available to your party, all of their language proficiencies feel silly. The 1-hour duration is long enough to get through all but the lengthiest social situations, and if you’re in a situation where you need to re-cast Tongues you’re not likely to need your spell slots for much else (except Enhanced Ability (Eagle’s Splendor)). (
- PHB): Usually flight is a better option than walking across a liquid. (
4th-Level Spells
- PHB) (Optional): Generally only useful if you know that you’re facing the types of undead which reduce your hit point maximum (there are several). The healing is numerically very efficient for the spell slot: 100 hit points to as many living creatures as you can fit into the 30-foot radius for the spell’s 10-minute duration. However, it only affects creatures at 0 hit points so you’re never going to actually get that amount of healing unless you’re sprinting across an endless field of dying creatures. The more likely case is that you’ll use this while your allies repeatedly get knocked back to 0 hit points so that they can repeatedly stand back up at 1 hp and keep fighting. (
- PHB) (Optional): Technically situational, but the defenses are broad enough that you can cover a wide variety of situations. In most encounters it’s unlikely that you’ll be hit with more than one or two negative status conditions, but Aura of Purity provides broad enough protection that you’ll be able to common many of the most common conditions with the same spell. (
- PHB): Among the most powerful save-or-suck spells in the game for several reasons. First, it’s a Charisma saving throw and very few creatures are good at those. Second, many powerful enemies like fiends are extraplanar, so you can easily remove them with a single spell (though many of them can cast Plane Shift to come right back, so watch out for that). Finally, casting the spell at a higher level allows you to target additional creatures so you can remove big parts of an encounter for up to a minute, deal with anything that passes the initial round of banishment, then prep yourself for everything else to drop back in while your party stands around with readied actions. (
- PHB): All of the effects are situational, and there are some weird edge cases like using the Flood option on a puddle or a full bucket where it’s unclear what happens when the water overflows its container. (
- PHB): With an 8-hour duration, this is a great insurance policy. It’s great to throw this on death-prone characters like your party’s Defender, but if you expect to face a high-level spellcast you should also consider putting this on your less-durable allies like wizards to protect them from things like Power Word Kill. (
- PHB): Much more precise than Augury, and it works much further into the future. The 25gp component cost won’t hurt much at this level, but it’s enough to deter you from using this every time you have a question. (
- PHB): Situational, but a great way to handle being grappled if you have poor Strength and if you’re not proficient in either Athletics or Acrobatics. (
- PHB): Only useful because of the 8-hour duration. The cap of 60 damage means that it’s going to make 3 to 6 attacks (more if enemies have Evasion or Damage Resistance), which isn’t enough to justify this in combat. Instead, throw it up to protect yourself while your party is resting or as a trap that you’re going to drive your enemies into. (
- PHB): More effective than mundane tracking, but the 1,000-foot range can be a problem if the target is actively fleeing from you. If you’re going to use this, be sure that you’re moving faster than your target. (
- PHB): Stone is an incredibly common material in dungeons, castles, and other structures, so the ability to reshape it is immensely powerful. Using this to pass through walls or seal doors are obvious options, but a clever player can do a lot of damage by sabotaging structures or altering natural stone terrain. Typically you can’t use this in combat, but you could shape a 5 ft. cube directly above an enemy so that it falls on them. Tragically, the 5e rules don’t specify how much damage is dealt by falling objects or a DC to avoid them, so your DM will need to do some improvising. (
5th-Level Spells
- PHB): A yes-or-no answer is enough to get a great deal of information if you ask your questions well. But you need to ask all three questions before the spell’s 1-minute duration expires, so your DM could (and probably should) set a real-world timer. If the DM needs time to think of the answers, pause the timer. Unlike Divination, this doesn’t consume the material component so if you can spare the prepared spell, you should consider casting this once every evening before you rest to see what you can learn. (
- PHB): Sage Advice made
significant changes to how this spell works, so if you have a physical copy
of the Player’s Handbook make sure you go download the latest version of the
Sage Advice and Errata documents.
If you hit the target with a melee spell attack, they’re poisoned for a minimum of 3 turns. Poisoned is an extremely effective debuff, though many creatures are resistant or immune to it. Even so, the Poisoned effect may be more significant than the disease. The target must fail a total of three saving throws to apply your chosen disease, and considering a typical combat lasts 3-5 rounds many enemies won’t live long enough for that to happen. Consider the Poisoned effect the primary effect of the spell, and think of the disease as a neat novelty which might come up if you don’t manage to kill the target fast enough.
( - PHB): This is a mediocre area denial option. You can spend a Bonus Action to move it, which is really nice, but Constitution saves tend to be high, and the damage isn’t spectacular. Compare this to casting Spirit Guardians as a 5th-level spell: 5d8 damage (avg. 22.5) compared to 4d10 (avg. 22), but Spirit Guardians won’t hurt you or your allies, and, if you need to move the effects, you can walk and spend your Bonus Action doing something like casting Spiritual Weapon. Dawn’s single saving grace is that is specifically says “this light is sunlight”, which means that it hurts vampires very badly. If you can grapple a vampire to hold it in the radius of Dawn you can kill them pretty easily. (
- PHB): If you leave the spell running or use the Break Enchantment option, it’s a worse version of Protection From Evil and Good. If you try to banish a creature, it’s a worse version of Banishment (although it can send fey and undead to the Feywild and the Shadowfell even if they’re not natives of those planes). I don’t know why this spell exists. (
- PHB): In most cases,
Protection from Evil and Good will do the trick, but Dispel Evil and Good
has two additional effects. You can prematurely end the spell to end a
charm/frighten/possession effect, or to attempt to banish creatures from
other planes. They do still get a saving throw, and if the creatures are
native to the plane they’re on, nothing happens.
It’s very important to note that the banishment effect isn’t limited by the spell’s duration: creatures banished this way are sent to another plane and must return by normal means. However, since the banishment effect doesn’t effect creatures on their home plane, the banishment may not be as appealing as spells like Banishment which can affect creatures native to your current plane.
( - PHB): This is a bad spell. It’s only as much damage as Fireball, which is two spell levels lower. The big appeal is that there are two damage types, so creatures which are immune or resistant to one generally won’t be resistant or immune to both. But if you’re casting a 5th-level spell intending to only get partial damage, you’re wasting a 5th-level spell slot. If you want radiant damage, 5th-level Spirit guardians will deal 5d8 radiant damage (avg. 22.5) compared to 8d6 (avg. 28) from Flame Strike, and Spirit Guardians last 10 minutes and you can walk around with it. If you want fire damage most clerics are out of luck, but if you just need a ranged AOE Dawn or Insect Plague will be more effective in almost every case. (
- PHB): This spell is
situational by design. It has a 1-minute casting time and Verbal components,
so you’re not going to break this out in combat or while sneaking around in
a dungeon. You’re going to restrain the subject, and stand around chanting
for a full minute and hope that they fail the save. Once that’s done, you
need to give them a suitable command (read the spell description). Generally
you’ll want it to be something that benefits you, but will also take the
target most of the duration to keep them from becoming a problem for you.
Also remember that the base effect of the Charmed condition makes it easier
for you to talk the creature into doing things with Charisma checks, so a
Geased creature may be a useful ally for the duration of the effect even if
the original order isn’t directly related to what you want them to do.
Increasing the spell level extends the duration, but weirdly the damage doesn’t increase. 5d10 is a nice pile of damage, but it doesn’t scale with spell level and at some point the target will get smart enough to wake up, trigger the 5d10 damage, take a short rest, then go about their business. If the damage scaled this would be less of a problem, but damage is so easily repaired in 5e outside of combat that without further penalties Geas is more a tax on hit dice than the magical shackles it’s intended to be. If you want a homebrew fix, add a level of fatigue each day that the target is out of compliance, or make the damage impossible to heal until they go a day without taking it. Neither of those is a perfect solution, but they’re miles better than an average of 27.5 damage.
( - PHB): You won’t need this every day, but you probably need this readied every day. This covers a broad range of effects that can totally incapacitate or even kill your party which you might not be prepared to handle otherwise. (
- PHB): Situational by design. This isn’t a spell that you just carry around. With a 24-hour casting time, this is a spell that you plan out well in advance, get comfortable for, and probably eat a hefty meal beforehand because you don’t want to stop for food or water until it’s done. The effects are powerful and versatile, and since they’re permanent until dispelled this spell can easily outlive you. Unfortunately, the spell is still susceptible to Dispel Magic, and watching some jerk repeatedly cast Dispel Magic as a 3rd-level spell until they pass the DC 19 ability check for your 9th-level Hallow feels really bad after you spent so much time and money to cast it. (
- XGtE): 1-hour duration and cast as a bonus action. The intent is that you’ll cast this and attack in the same turn, but clerics never get Extra Attack (War clerics get an extra attack as a bonus action a few times per day, but that isn’t enough to keep you busy for an hour) so that’s a horrible use of this spell. Put this on someone making a whole bunch of attacks with one weapon. A fighter is ideal, but someone using Polearm Master or Crossbow Expert will suffice. You want as many attacks as you can get as quickly as you can get them to maximize the total damage dealt. When the duration runs short, or when you need to concentrate on something else, end the spell early and blind every enemy in the radius. (
- PHB): An improvement over Dawn in some ways, but some of the same challenges. Creatures can still move out of the area to avoid the ongoing damage, but with a 20-foot radius of difficult terrain that’s slightly harder to accomplish than in the area of Dawn, but not by enough that Insect Plague is actually better. (
- PHB): Extremely situational. The fact that the subject needs to be “of legendary importance” severely limits the spells usefulness, and you might not benefit from this more than once or twice in an entire campaign. In previous editions this was a great way to ask the DM for background information which they often had available but with no excuse to share, which is both informative for the players and rewarding for the DM who has spent hours crafting fun lore with no in-game reason to share it. You can still use it for major places, items, and characters, but “legendary importance” is highly subjective so your DM can make this totally useless if they don’t feel like sharing. (
- PHB): Rarely worth the spell slot unless your party is enormous. If you’re going to spend a spell on this, be sure to cast Beacon of Hope beforehand to get as much as you can out of the spell slot. (
- PHB): At the level you get
this, 1,000gp is a steep price to pay for a spell that lasts 24 hours. Save
this for higher levels when you can cast something like Gate to summon a
powerful creature and bind it to your service for a long time. If you can
somehow get two 9th-level spells, you could summon a Balor or something
equally powerful for a year and a day, then command it to conquer a
continent for you or something. Most creatures won’t be happy about this
form of servitude, of course, so be sure to plan for their sudden yet
inevitable betrayal.
For more help, see my Practical Guide to Summoning Spells.
( - PHB): Don’t bother preparing this unless someone is already dead. If your ally dies, they’ll still be dead the next day when you prepare Raise Dead. (
- PHB): Spy on the campaign’s antagonists at every opportunity. The material component is expensive, but it’s reusable so you can buy a fancy mirror once then spend the rest of your character’s career spying on people from afar. The target gets a saving throw to resist, but doesn’t know that they’re being targeted by the spell. The sensor works the same way that Clairvoyance does (uses your normal senses, invisible luminous orb, etc.), so generally creatures will never know that they’re being spied on unless they can see through invisibility. While the text of the spell isn’t clear, I believe that the Connections use whichever has the biggest effect rather than stacking, so you can’t use your macaroni art of the target and a lock of their hair from your closet shrine to them to give them a -12. In case it wasn’t clear already: using this spell is super creepy, and you shouldn’t go around using it for recreational purposes. (
- TCoE) (Optional): Summon a
pet fighter. Defender is a melee fighter that can grant temporary hit
points. Avenger is a ranged fighter that shoots lasers from a bow. Both deal
radiant damage and can fly. It’s pretty great.
For more help, see my Practical Guide to Summoning Spells.
6th-Level Spells
- PHB): The AOE is good and the damage is good. The wall also provides 3/4 cover, which is great since clerics almost never use spells that require ranged attacks. Casting a spell that targets creatures on the other side of the wall doesn’t care about cover unless the center of the AOE is on the wrong side for some reason. Unfortunately, there’s no spell level scaling and aside from being difficult terrain there’s very little preventing enemies from running through the wall, suffering the damage, and going right back to fighting as though you had just hit them with a 6d10 fireball or something. Generally you want to use this when you’re being swarmed by weak enemies, when you need cover, or when you can force enemies to be in the wall for multiple rounds somehow. (
- PHB): If you just need something to ride around on or a minion to carry your treasure, use Animate Dead. If you want to have an intelligent thrall to handle complex tasks or to act as a bodyguard, use Create Undead. But remember: undead are evil and will murder you at the first opportunity, and generally DMs don’t like players dragging an undead army around behind them. (
- PHB): This is barely useful as it is, but the next spell level brings Plane Shift which will immediately solve long-distance travel challenges. (
- PHB): This is a strange
spell, and it’s very easy to abuse in ways that the designers likely didn’t
intend. Since you can cast it as a ritual, it’s basically a 1,000gp cost to
buy into the spell, then it’s free to cast any time after that unless you
want to make it permanent.
Forbiddance is intended to create areas where you can keep creatures of a specific type out of the area, so important holy sites could keep out undead and fiends, but potentially allow celestials. But as the spell is written the area can be occupied while you cast the spell, including by creatures that you’re going to forbid.
If you come upon a dungeon which you know is full of forbiddable creatures (technically you don’t need to know, but knowing ahead of time is the abuse case), you can sit down, spend 20 minutes to cast this as a ritual, and turn 40,000 square feet of dungeon into a 30-foot high area of ongoing damage for 24 hours with no save. That’s a 200x200x30 area, and 30 feet is tall enough for many two-story buildings, so you could enclose up to 80,000 square feet of floor space in sufficiently rectangular buildings. The damage is easily enough to eliminate anything that can’t get out of the AOE in a hurry, which is astoundingly hard since the damage seems to come from absolutely nowhere. If you’re a lich just hanging around in your lair minding your own business, your only recourse is to run in a random direction and hope for the best or teleport away to safety.
( - PHB): 14d6 averages to 49 damage, which is pretty good. But it’s a single-target spell with a Constitution saving throw, and Constitution saves tend to be high. By comparison, a 7th-level Spirit Guardians will deal 7d8 damage (average 31.5) to every enemy within 15 ft. of you on a save that’s usually lower than Constitution saves. If you deal damage even twice, that’s a better option than Harm, and Spirit Guardians lasts for 10 minutes. Harm’s biggest appeal is potentially reducing the target’s hit point maximum, which is good against enemies with regeneration or which can heal themselves magically. (
- PHB): Among the best in-combat healing in the game, Heal restores a reliable, consistent 70 points of hp. That won’t bring a player from 0 to full hit points (except maybe wizards), but it’s enough to keep them in the fight for a while in most cases. It also removes some annoying status conditions, but not enough that it can replace Restoration. (
- PHB): The duration is instantaneous, but the effects of eating the feast last 24 hours, and that’s definitely not confusing. Jokes aside, you should cast this spell every day. Poison and fear are common nuisances, and advantage on all Wisdom saving throws is spectacular. On top of those already amazing benefits, 2d10 extra hit points is a small but still helpful boost to your party’s durability (and it stacks with Aid!). Note that these extra hit points aren’t temporary hit points, so you can still add temporary hit points on top of your boosted hit point maximum. The only drawback is the 1,000gp cost to cast the spell. (
- PHB): Casting this spell is expensive, difficult, and confusing, and the creature that you summon counts as a member of the party and gets a share of the experience points that your party earns. Use this as an absolute last resort, or if you know a specific extraplanar creature which might be willing to help you for free. (
- PHB) (Optional): Spirit Guardians will typically be a better offensive use of a spell slot. (
- PHB): Extremely powerful, with a 1-hour duration. The material component costs 25 gold, but at this level that’s a pittance. (
- PHB): A great way to escape to somewhere safe if adventuring is going badly for you and your party. The cap on 5 other creatures may be hard if you have a large party or if members of your party have pets. (
7th-Level Spells
- PHB): Summon spells are
always nice. A CR 4 creature will likely feel underwhelming in combat, so
try to find other ways for the summon to be useful. Your DM chooses what
gets summoned, unfortunately, so you can’t use this to pick from a list.
For more help, see my Practical Guide to Summoning Spells.
( - PHB): Primarily this is a written as a way to handle crowds of weak enemies, and while the spell does that well it’s actually more effective as a way to banish high-CR extraplanar enemies. Affected creatures are banished similar to Banishment, but there’s no numerical limit on the number of affected creatures and they can’t return for 24 hours without serious magic like Wish, so enemies can’t Plane Shift right back into the fight to express how little they enjoyed that time that you banished them. (
- PHB): A profoundly effective scouting/escape option. Unless you’re fighting ethereal enemies, you’re untouchable. You can see and hear into the material plane (albeit at limited distance), allowing you to spy on other creatures in person without their knowledge. The spell lasts 8 hours, which is sufficient to do a lot of things potentially including a Long Rest. (
- PHB): Imagine a fireball that you got to cut up and shape in 10-foot cubes. That’s essentially what Fire Storm is. It’s a decent blast spell, but it doesn’t do nearly enough damage for a spell of this level. (
- PHB): Simultaneously a fantastic long-distance travel spell and a single-target save-or-suck. If you want to travel within the same plane you may need to cast this twice, so make sure that your lay-over is somewhere pleasant like Celestia or Elysium. If you use this to get rid of someone, send them somewhere really unpleasant like sending a demon to Celestia or a humanoid to the plane of fire. Unfortunately, you do need a specific tuning fork for each plane that you want to visit, so start a collection as soon as possible. (
- PHB): Limb removal is exceptionally rare in DnD 5e, typically the subject of specific traps or house rules written by players who enjoy the thought of their characters losing limbs every time a sword comes out. Still, any amount of regeneration means that a character never stays Dying, and with a 1-hour duration this heals an impressive 600 hit points on top of the initial hit point restoration. (
- PHB): Situational by design, and intentionally very expensive. You don’t want to need this spell, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. (
- PHB): While many of the effects are wonderful, the inability to move the symbol and the high casting cost are prohibitive. (
- PHB): Very situational. The 1-hour casting time makes this rarely useful except for specific story points (celebrate a holy day, conduct a ceremony like a wedding, provide sanctuary against an attack that you know is coming), so you should be able to prepare and cast this well ahead of time. You can’t make this permanent, but you could technically recast the spell every day to keep it in existence if you were planning to retire in a permanent base and didn’t need a 7th-level spell slot every day. (
8th-Level Spells
- PHB): Situational by design, but incredibly powerful. Even with such a small radius, removing magic from the game totally shifts the balance of the game. The biggest problem is that you are primarily a spellcaster, so you are turning off your biggest set of tool to use this. The best-case scenario is to use this when you are outmatched magically, but your allies can still fight without magic and defeat whatever you’re facing. (
- PHB): Very situational, and kind of a pain for the DM. Go to your setting’s arctic equivalent, and raise the temperature to “Unbearable Heat” for 8 hours. That certainly won’t cause horrifying and potentially irreparable ecological damage that the DM will need to either totally disregard or track in some unpleasant fashion for the duration of the campaign. (
- PHB): A powerful area control spell, but you don’t want to be within the 100 ft. radius, and because you don’t get the control the appearance of fissures you also can’t risk placing it with enemies near the edges. You also can’t don’t want to risk using it inside or in an area where a nearby structure will fall on your. So you need to center the effect on your targets as much as possible, you need to be at a safe distance from the center point, and you may need some extra space to avoid falling structures. If you can manage those parameters and still manage to put the spell where you want (consider flying), this can level a city with an Action. Concentrating on the spell doesn’t do anything except maintain the difficult terrain, which means that you get almost all of the spell’s effects in one turn, so feel free to drop Concentration and switch to something else. (
- PHB): The ultimate defensive buff. For one minute your party is incredibly difficult to harm. Undead can be blinded, but that’s such a minor part of the effect that it doesn’t matter much. (
- PHB) (Optional): Imagine fireball with three times the radius and it blinds the targets. The targets get a Constitution save every turn to remove the blindness so you can’t expect it to stay in effect for long, but the save is at the end of their turns so they’ll spend at least one turn blinded if they fail the initial save, and that may be enough to determine the outcome of the encounter. (
9th-Level Spells
- PHB): A relatively safe way
to explore the Astral Plane, but it has some complications. Avoid Githyanki
at all cost; their silver swords can cut your astral cord and kill you
outright. If things ever look bad for you, spend the Action to return
everyone to their bodies. If any of your allies drop to 0 they’ll go back to
their body unharmed, but if you don’t see it happen you may not know about
it so you need to have a way for your party to contact your astral
projection from wherever you hid your bodies. If you ever get forcibly
returned to your body and don’t have a chance to end the spell intentionally
and bring your allies back too, they can always get home by punching
themselves down to 0 hit points.
While you have this spell running, make sure that your party’s bodies are hidden and protected somewhere that your enemies (or curious but hungry monsters) can’t get to you, but that won’t be immediately dangerous if you return to your body with no spell slots. A comfortable, but totally sealed underground hideout is a great option that you could feasibly create using Stone Shape and some patience.
Your bodies don’t need food or air while you’re under the spell’s effects, but the spell doesn’t mention water. I assume that this is an oversight, but check with your DM; you may need to solve the issue of keeping your bodies hydrated. Since you don’t need to breathe, maybe submerge everyone in a shallow pool of water fed by a Decanter of Endless Water? Or maybe get a dedicated sect of monks to tend your bodies. Since your bodies don’t age, this makes you effectively immortal while you’re exploring the Astral Plane, so this can be a good way to keep your character alive between world-threatening problems so that you can return to the world to smite the latest lich without worrying about gray hair or whatever.
( - PHB): There are several ways
to use this spell, two of which were intended when the spell was designed.
- Travel to another plane: The simplest option, you open a door and you walk through to another plane, leaving the gate open for up to a minute for whoever else to walk through in either direction.
- Summon a creature: If you know the name of a creature on another plane, you can drag them (potentially against their will and without a save) to your location. This is easy to abuse by going to a plane where you know they aren’t (pocket dimensions work great for this, but there are so many planes that it’s hard to accidentally be on the same one), then forcibly summon them. You could summon your biggest antagonist after spending a bunch of time setting up traps, buffs, and readied actions, then have your party stomp them into the dirt. If you’re extra clever, you can use Astral Projection to fight whatever you’re summoning while projected so if something goes wrong you won’t actually die and you could try again later. I think the intent of this function was to summon an ally to help you in a fight, but I think my idea is more useful.
- One-way cover: You can only enter the portal from the front, but it’s unclear what the back looks like or how it functions. It’s not described as solid, so it’s entirely possibly that you can fire projectiles through it from the rear, while projectiles from the front pass into the portal. I can’t imagine that you can see through the portal, so this may be hard to do, but it may be possible. Check with your DM.
- Magical drain: About to drown? About to hit by a flow of magma or falling rocks? Open a gate to literally anywhere else and let the offending substance enjoy eternity floating in limbo or anywhere else that isn’t a problem for you. The multiverse is your dumping ground.
( - PHB): 700 hit points is enough to fully heal most parties of 20th-level characters. Dropping this mid-combat is a great way to turn a fight around. (
- PHB) (Optional): Full healing and removing a bunch of status conditions in one spell is really nice. Mass Heal will provide more hp and can be split among the party, but Power Word Heal does handles more status conditions. (
- PHB): Try to use cheaper methods if possible. The 25,000gp material component is expensive, even at this level. (