Battle Smith Artificer Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT

Can’t touch me sheriff. I brought my attack dog, with a built-in Forcefield! One-Eyed Bart (Mr. Potatohead) – Toy Story Introduction The Battle Smith is the offensively weapon-focused Artificer. This puts it in an interesting position, standing with the Paladin and Ranger as a weapon-using half-caster. Lacking damage ramping features like Hunter’s Mark or Divine Smite, the Battle Smith must instead leverage the Artificer’s spell list and Infusions to turn up the heat. Oh and I guess the super fighting robot, Steel Defender. They leverage that too. Part of what makes Artificers in general a good candidate for this gish-like … Continue reading Battle Smith Artificer Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT