Category: Pathfinder 1e
Pathfinder 1st edition, published by Paizo following WotC’s move to 4th edition D&D. In many ways, PF1 is an expansion upon the D&D 3.5 rules.
Introduction The Samurai is an alternate class to the Cavalier. While it shares most of the Cavaliers abilities and mechanics, the Samurai is much less dependant on mounted combat …
Introduction The Summoner casts spells about as well as a Bard, but has a very strict emphasis on summoning and conjuration. The Summoner’s big draw is the Eidolon, sort …
Introduction The Barbarian is a Defender and Striker on par with the Fighter, but where the Fighter depends on feats and careful tactics, the Barbarian depends on getting angry …
Introduction The hunter doubles down on the Animal Companion mechanic, giving up a lot of the druid’s spellcasting for improved abilities related to their animal companion. Because the Hunter …
Medium Spirits Your choice of spirit determines your function for the day. Most Mediums will stick to one spirit on most days because you’ll need to build your feats …